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Arber, Edward - The Term Catalogues, 1688-1709 A.D., 1903 (OCLC 1465503)

Arber, Edward
The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709 A.D.; with a Number for Easter Term, 1711 A.D. A Contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the reigns of Charles II, James II, William and Mary, and Anne. Edited from the very rare Quarterly Lists of New Books and Reprints of Divinity, History, Science, Law, Medicine, Music, Trade, Finance, Poetry, Plays, etc.; with Maps, Engravings, Playing Cards, etc.; issued by the Booksellers, etc., of London, By Professor Edward Arber, F.S.A/, Fellow if King's College, London. In Three Volumes
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Privately Printed. London: Professor Edward Arber, F.S.A., 73 Shepherd's Bush road, West Kensington, W.
Publication Date: 
OCLC 1465503

Published 1903-1906