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Gray, Thomas - The Works of Thomas Gray, 1835 (OCLC 6724484)

Gray, Thomas
The Works of Thomas Gray, 5 volumes.
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
William Pickering
Publication Date: 
OCLC 6724484

Copy in The Thomas Gray Archive library at the University of Oxford.Volumes I and IV are dated 1836; Volumes II and III are dated 1835. Volume V is dated 1843, with a title page reading 'The Correspondence of Thomas Gray and the Rev. Norton Nicholls with other pieces hitherto unpublished. Edited by the Rev. John Mitford.'

Volumes I and IV are dated 1836.~Volumes II and III are dated 1835.~ Volume V is dated 1843, with a title page reading 'The Correspondence of Thomas Gray and the Rev. Norton Nicholls with other pieces hitherto unpublished. Edited by the Rev. John Mitford.'