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Citation Authorsort descending Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publication Imprint Statement Year
ESTC P2988 Miscellaneous Correspondence ... Sent to the Author of The Gentleman's Magazine London Printed by Edward Cave, at St. John’s Gate 1742 to 1748
ESTC P2292 The English Review London Printed for J[ohn]. Murray, no. 32. Fleet-Street 1783 to 1795
ESTC P3080 Political State of Great Britain London Printed for J. Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-noster-row 1711 to 1740
ESTC P1956 The Gentleman's Magazine London Printed by E[dward]. Cave at St. John's Gate, and sold by the booksellers of town and country 1731 to 1833
ESTC P2365 The Scrutator London Printed for Messrs. Wilson and Fell, booksellers in Pater-noster-row, London; Messrs. Fletcher and Hodson, at Cambridge; and Mr. Jackson, at Oxford 1764
ESTC P1946 The Scots Magazine Edinburgh Printed by W[illiam]. Sands, A[lexander]. Murray, and J[ames]. Cochran 1749 to 1793
ESTC P1967 The Monthly Review London s.n. [Ralph Griffiths] 1749 to 1845
ESTC P11 The Covent-Garden Journal Dublin Printed by James Hoey, at the Sign of Mercury, in Skinner-Row 1752 to 1753
ESTC P2114 The Critical Review London Printed for R[ichard]. Baldwin, at the Rose in Pater-noster-Row 1756 to 1817
ESTC T212968 Annual Register. 1771 London Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall 1772
