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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publicationsort descending Imprint Statement Year
ESTC T14923 Homer The Iliad London [i.e. the Hague] Printed by T. J[ohnson]. for B[ernard]. L[intot]. and other Booksellers 1718
ESTC T154182 Homer The Iliad London [i.e., The Hague] Printed by T. J[ohnson]. for B[ernard]. L[intot]. & Company 1729
ESTC T133890 Fenton, Elijah Paradise Lost London [i.e., York?] Printed for A. Law, W. Miller, and R. Cater 1795
ESTC T133890 Milton, John Paradise Lost London [i.e., York?] Printed for A. Law, W. Miller, and R. Cater 1795
ESTC T211083 Poivre, Pierre Voyages d'un Philosophe London [Lyon?] A Londres, Et se vend A Lyon, Chez. J. de Ville, & L. Rosset, Libraires, rue Merciere 1769
ESTC N52467 Poivre, Pierre Discours Prononcés Par M. Poivre, Commissaire du Roi London [Lyon?] A Londres, Et se vend A Lyon, Chez. J. de Ville, & L. Rosset, Libraires, rue Merciere 1769
ESTC T223442 Pope, Alexander The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope London [The Hague?] Printed by T[homas]. J[ohnson]. for B[ernard]. L[intot]. & other Booksellers 1718
ESTC T54087 Hoyle, Edmond A Short Treatise On the Game of Whist London(?) Bath printed, and London reprinted For W. Webster near St. Paul's, and sold by all the Booksellers and Pamphlet Shops in Town and Country 1743
ESTC T107024 Anon. The general shop book. London. Printed for C. Hitch and L.Hawes, in Paternoster-Row; J. and J. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-yard, and R. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall. 1753
ESTC T40972 Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766. The life of John Tillotson The second edition, corrected and inlarged. London. Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, C. Corbet, and M. Cooper. 1753
