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Citation Authorsort descending Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publication Imprint Statement Year
ESTC T100038 Thomson, James The Tragedy of Sophonisba London Printed for A. Millar, at Buchanan’s Head, over-against St. Clement’s Church in the Strand 1730
ESTC T100044 Thomson, James The Tragedy of Sophonisba Dublin Printed by S. Powell, for George Risk, at the Shakespear’s Head, George Ewing, at the Angel and Bible, and William Smith, at the Hercules, Booksellers in Dame’s-Street 1730
ESTC T101186 Tindal, Matthew Christianity as old as the Creation London Printed in the Year 1730
ESTC T101189 Tindal, Matthew Christianity as Old as the Creation London Printed in the Year 1730
ESTC ESTC T77125. Tindal, Matthew, 1653?-1733 Christianity as old as the creation The second edition in octavo. London: [s.n.], 1732
ESTC T45490 Tooly, Thomas Homer in a Nut-Shell London Printed for W. Sparks 1715
ESTC T71244 Torelli, Giuseppe, 1721-1781 [translator] Elegia di Tommaso Gray Verona Impresso in Verona MDCCLXXVI per gli Eredi di Agostino Carattoni 1776
ESTC T144811 Towneley, John Hudibras. Poëme Ecrit dans le Tems des Troubles d'Angleterre London [i.e. Paris?] A Londres 1757
ESTC T29263 True Lover of the Queen and Country The judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, concerning the rights, power, and prerogative of kings, and the rights, priviledges, and properties of the people The Third Edition corrected, with Additions London Printed for, and sold by T. Harrison, at the West Corner of the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill 1710
OCLC 13423046 Ulloa, Antonio de Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional Madrid Por Antonio Marin 1748
