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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publicationsort descending Imprint Statement Year
ESTC T73666 Swift, Jonathan A Tale of a Tub Paris Printed by Didot senior. Sold by Pissot, Barrois junior, Booksellers. Quai des Augustins 1781
OCLC 23644974 Beckford, William Vathek Paris Chez Poinçot, Libraire, rue de la Harpe, près Saint-Côme, No. 135 1787
ESTC T152766 Gay, John Fables Stereotype Edition, According to the process of Firmin Didot Paris At the Printing Office and Stereotype Foundery [sic] of P. Didot the Elder, and of F. Didot. Eighth Year 1800
ESTC T152766 Moore, Edward Fables Stereotype Edition, According to the process of Firmin Didot Paris At the Printing Office and Stereotype Foundery [sic] of P. Didot the Elder, and of F. Didot. Eighth Year 1800
ESTC W31474 Cowper, William The Task A New Edition Philadelphia Printed for Thomas Dobson, Bookseller, in Second-Street, second Door above Chesnut-street 1787
ESTC W30129 Campe, Joachim Heinrich The New Robinson Crusoe Philadelphia Printed and Sold by W. Woodhouse, at the Bible, No 6, South Front-street 1792
ESTC W11319 Mayne, Frances, Lady An Introduction to the Reading of the Holy Bible The First American Edition Philadelphia Printed for and Sold by Joseph Crukshank, No. 87, High-Street 1795
ESTC W31008 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Principles of Politeness, And of Knowing the World Portsmouth, New-Hampshire Printed by Melcher and Osborne 1786
OCLC 67412991 Campe, Joachim Heinrich Robinson der Jüngere Neunte Auflage Reutlingen bei Johann Jakob Fleischhauer, älter 1811
OCLC 25248534 Butler, Samuel Hudibras frey verteutscht Riga bei Johann Friedrich Hartknoch 1787
