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Defoe, Daniel - The Evident Advantages to Great Britain and its Allies from the Approaching War, 1727 (ESTC T2617)

Defoe, Daniel
The Evident Advantages to Great Britain and its Allies from the Approaching War: Especially in Matters of Trade. To which is Added Two Curious Plans, One of the Port and Bay of Havana; the other of Porto-Belo
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed; And Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; and A. Dodd in the Strand
Publication Date: 
ESTC T2617

Price 1 s.Considered by Furbank and Owens as probably by Defoe: see Critical Bibliography, 236(P).

Price 1 s.~Considered by Furbank and Owens as probably by Defoe: see Critical Bibliography, 236(P).