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Chambers, Ephraim - Cyclopaedia, or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences, 1728 (ESTC T114002)

Chambers, Ephraim
Cyclopædia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences; Containing The Definitions of the Terms, And Accounts of The Things signify’d thereby, In the several Arts, Both Liberal and Mechanical, And the several Sciences, Human and Divine: The Figures, Kinds, Properties, Productions, Preparations, and Uses, of Things Natural and Artificial; The Rise, Progress, and State of Things Ecclesiastical, Civil, Military, and Commercial: With the several Systems, Sects, Opinions, &c. among Philosophers, Divines, Mathematicians, Physicians, Antiquaries, Criticks, &c. The Whole intended as a Course of Antient and Modern Learning. Compiled from the best Authors, Dictionaries, Journals, Memoirs, Transactions, Ephemerides, &c. in several Languages. In two volumes. By E. Chambers Gent.
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for James and John Knapton, John Darby, Daniel Midwinter, Arthur Bettesworth, John Senex, Robert Gosling, John Pemberton, William and John Innys, John Oshorn and Tho. Longman, Charles Rivington, John Hooke, Ranew Robinson, Francis Clay, Aaron Ward, Edward Symon, Daniel Browne, Andrew Johnston, and Thomas Osborn
Publication Date: 
ESTC T114002