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Pope, Alexander - Mr. Pope's Literary Correspondence, Volume the Fourth, 1736 (ESTC N35383)

Pope, Alexander
Mr. Pope's Literary Correspondence. Volume the Fourth. With Letters, &c. To, and From, Mr. Addison. Bishop Atterbury. Bishop Barlow. Bishop Fleetwood. Bishop Smalridge. Bishop Berkeley Lucy. King Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn.
Edition Statement: 
The Second Edition
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for E. Curll, at Pope's-Head, in Rose-Street, Covent-Garden
Publication Date: 
ESTC N35383

Possibly an imperfect copy. Ends with letter 'To Alexander Pope, Esq;' after t.p. for 'Sober Advice from Horace, to the Young Gentlemen about Town. As delivered in his Second Sermon. Imitated in the Manner of Mr. Pope,' but does not provide text for that piece.