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Butler, Samuel - Hudibras, 1793 (ESTC T144809)

Butler, Samuel
Hudibras By Samuel Butler
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed by T. Rickaby
Publication Date: 
ESTC T144809

Volume I is in two parts, each with a separate engraved title page, but with continuous pagination and register.~Volume I, Part I has an additional letterpress title page reading 'Hudibras, A Poem, In Three Cantos. By Samuel Butler. Vol. I. Part I' and bearing the imprint 'London: Printed by T. Rickaby, for J. Edwards, No 78, Pall-Mall.'~Volume I. Part II has an additional letterpress title page reading 'Hudibras, A Poem, In Three Cantos. By Samuel Butler. Vol. I. Part I' and bearing the imprint 'London: Printed by T. Rickaby, for Benjamin and John White, Fleet-Street.'~Volume II bears the title 'Notes on Hudibras' and is divided into two parts with separate engraved title pages but continuous pagination.