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Fielding, Henry - Tumble-Down Dick, 1736 (ESTC T174716)

Fielding, Henry
Tumble-Down Dick: or, Phaeton in the Suds. A Dramatick Entertainment of Walking, in Serious and Foolish Characters: Interlarded with Burlesque, Grotesque, Comick Interludes, Call'd Harlequin a Pick-Pocket. As it is Perform'd at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market. Being (’tis hop'd) the last Entertainment that will ever be exhibited on any Stage. Invented by the Ingenious Monsieur Sans Esprit. The Musick compos'd by the Harmonious Signior Warblerini. And the Scenes painted by the Prodigious Mynheer Van Bottom-Flat
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for J. Watts at the Printing-Office in Wild-Court near Lincoln's-Inn Fields
Publication Date: 
ESTC T174716