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White, John, ca. 1685-1755. - The protestant Englishman guarded against the arts and arguments of Romish priests and emissaries, 1753 (ESTC T68935)

White, John, ca. 1685-1755.
The protestant Englishman guarded against the arts and arguments of Romish priests and emissaries. Recommended, more particularly, to those Protestants who have family-connexions with Roman Catholicks, or any dependance upon the great houses of the Roman Catholick religion. By John White, B. D. Some time Fellow of St. John's College, in Cambridge.
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for C. Davis, opposite Gray's-Inn Gate, Holborn; and L. Davis, at Lord Bacon's Head, in Fleet-Street
Publication Date: 
ESTC T68935

Errata and advertisements on last leaf.