Error message

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Pope, Alexander - The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq; Vol. II. Part II, 1738 (ESTC T221301)

Pope, Alexander
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq; Vol. II. Part II. Containing all such Pieces of this Author as were written since the former Volumes, and never before publish'd in Octavo
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for R. Dodsley, and sold by T. Cooper in Pater-noster-Row
Publication Date: 
ESTC T220829

The pagination is continuous, meaning that this is not Griffith 507. ESTC T220829 would seem to be identical to ESTC T221301. The shelfmark is visible in the scan of this copy; Oxford's OLIS catalogue lists this copy as shelfmark L64[1736-1741]. Other volumes from this set are available: