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Anon. - The Tyburn Chronicle: Or, Villainy Display’d in All Its Branches, vols. 1-4, 1768 (ESTC T52163)

The tyburn chronicle: or, villainy display’d in all its branches. Containing an authentic account of the lives, adventures, tryals, executions, and last dying speeches of the most notorious male factors. Of all Denominations, who have suffered for Bigamy, Forgeries, Highway-Robberies, House-Breaking, Murders, Perjury, Piracy, Rapes, Riots, Sodomy, Starving, Treason, And other the most enormous Crimes. The Whole being the most faithful Narrative ever yet Published of the various Executions, and other Punishments, In England, Scotland, and Ireland, From the year 1700, to the present time.
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear’s - Head, in Pater - noster Row
Publication Date: 
ESTC T52163