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Betagh, William - A Voyage Round the World, 1728 (ESTC T143283)

Betagh, William
A Voyage Round the World. Being an Account of a Remarkable Enterprize, begun In the Year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the great South Ocean. Relating the True historical Facts of that whole Affair: Testifyd by many imployd therein; and confirmed by Authorities from the Owners. By William Betagh, Captain of Marines in that Expedition
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for T. Combes at the Bible and Dove in Pater-noster Row, J. Lacy at the Ship near Temple Bar, and J. Clake [sic, i.e. Clarke] at the Bible under the Royal Exchange
Publication Date: 
ESTC T143283

ESTC notes another issue (ESTC T181354) with a different setting of the title page, in which Clarke's name is spelled correctly.