Error message

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Hussenlosch, Leondert - Sodomy Punish'd, 1726 (ESTC T223059)

Hussenlosch, Leondert
Sodomy Punish'd: Being A True and Exact Relation Of what Befel to one Leondert Hussenlosch, A Dutch Man, Who by Command of the Dutch Fleet, was put on Shore on the Desolate Island of Ascention. Faithfully Translated from a Journal wrote by himself, during his Abode there; which was found last January, 1725-6. among other of his Things, by Persons belonging to an English Ship, Nam'd the JAMES and MARY. Publish'd from the Original Copy.
Edition Statement: 
Printed for John Loveday, and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick Lane, 1726
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
John Loveday
Publication Date: 
ESTC T223059