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Gray, Thomas - A Supplement to the Tour Through Great-Britain, 1787 (ESTC N24802)

Gray, Thomas
A Supplement to the Tour Through Great-Britain, containing a Catalogue of the antiquities, houses, parks, plantations, scenes, and situations, in England and Wales, arranged According to the Alphabetical Order of the several Counties; By The Late Mr. Gray, Author of the Elegy written in a Country Church-Yard, &c. To which are now added, by another Hand, Several Additions; also Blank Spaces at the End, to enable every Traveller or Reader to make his own Remarks or Corrections
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson's Head, No. 46, Fleet-street
Publication Date: 
ESTC N24802

An expanded version of A Catalogue of the antiquities,..., first privately printed (100 copies) in 1773, for William Mason. The additions to the 1787 edition 'by another Hand' may be those of Horace Walpole.This text at the Thomas Gray Archive can be read on screen; individual page images can be downloaded by right-clicking on the page image.

An expanded version of A Catalogue of the antiquities,..., first privately printed (100 copies) in 1773, for William Mason. The additions to the 1787 edition 'by another Hand' may be those of Horace Walpole.