Error message

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1442 of /home/benjami4/public_html/c18booktracker/includes/

Oldys, William - The British Librarian, 1738 (ESTC T147996)

Oldys, William
The British Librarian: Exhibiting a Compendious Review or Abstract Of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books in all Sciences, as well in Manuscript as in Print: With many Characters, Historical and Critical, of the Authors, their Antagonists, &c. In a Manner never before attempted, And Useful to all Readers. With a Complete Index to the Volume
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn
Publication Date: 
ESTC T147996

No shelfmark is visible, but a librarian at the English Faculty Library confirms that this copy is from that library.