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Defoe, Daniel - Captain Singleton, 1720 (ESTC T69688)

Defoe, Daniel
The Life, Adventures, and Pyracies, Of the Famous Captain Singleton: Containing an Account of his being set on Shore in the Island of Madagascar, his Settlement there, with a Description of the Place and Inhabitants: Of his Passage from thence, in a Paraguay, to the main Land of Africa, with an Account of the Customs and Manners of the People: His great Deliverances from the barbarous Natives and wild Beasts: Of his meeting with an Englishman, a Citizen of London, among the Indians, the great Riches he acquired, and his Voyage Home to England: As also Captain Singleton's Return to Sea, with an Account of his many Adventures and Pyracies with the famous Captain Avery and others
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for J. Brotherton, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, J. Graves in St. James's Street, A [sic] Dodd at the Peacock without Temple bar, and T. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row
Publication Date: 
ESTC T69688

The copy at the University of California, Berkeley is said to be a reproduction of a copy from the Huntington Library. The ESTC records a copy at the Huntington (with a copynote reading '105488'); that copy is not listed in the Huntington's online catalogue, however.