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Defoe, Daniel - Second Thoughts are Best, 1729 (ESTC N22059)

Defoe, Daniel
Second Thoughts are best: or, A Further Improvement of a late Scheme to Prevent Street Robberies: By which Our Streets will be so strongly guarded, and so gloriously illuminated, that any part of London will be as safe and pleasant at Midnight as at Noonday; and Burglary totally impracticable: with Some Thoughts for suppressing Robberies in all the publick Roads of England, &c. Humbly Offered for the good of his Country, submitted to the Consideration of the Parliament, and dedicated to his sacred Majesty King George IId. By Andrew Moreton, Esq;
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for W. Meadows, at the Angel in Cornhill, and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane
Publication Date: 
ESTC N22059

Price Six Pence.This copy appears to have been printed from a microfilm, but the identity of the source copy is not immediately evident. The digital reproduction is somewhat garbled: the title page, Dedication, Preface, and pp. 1-12 appear twice, with numerous blank pages interspersed. The second sequence of page images in the digital file is complete, though with several blank pages interspersed.

Price Six Pence.