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Defoe, Daniel - Augusta Triumphans, 1728 (ESTC T70330)

Defoe, Daniel
Augusta Triumphans: or, The Way to make London The most flourishing City in the Universe. First, By establishing an University where Gentlemen may have Academical Education under the Eye of their Friends. II. To prevent much Murder, &c. by an Hospital for Foundlings. III. By suppressing pretended Mad-Houses, where many of the fair Sex are unjustly confin'd, while their Husbands keep Mistresses, &c. and many Widows are lock'd up for the Sake of their Jointure. IV. To save our Youth from Destruction, by clearing the Streets of impudent Strumpets, Suppressing Gaming-Tables, and Sunday Debauches. V. To avoid the expensive Importation of Foreign Musicians, by forming an Academy of our own. VI. To save our lower Class of People from utter Ruin, and render them useful, by preventing the immoderate use of Geneva: With a frank Explosion of many other common Abuses, and incontestable Rules for Amendment. Concluding with An effectual Method to prevent Street Robberies; and A Letter to Coll. Robinson, on account of the Orphan's Tax
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and Sold by E. Nutt at the Royal-Exchange, A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, N. Blandford at Charing-Cross, and J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall
Publication Date: 
ESTC T70330

Price One Shilling.

A copynote in the ESTC notes that p. 63 is mutilated. A penciled note on p. 63 begins 'mutilated' (the rest is not legible in the digital reproduction), but the nature of the mutilation is not apparent from the scan.