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Defoe, Daniel - The Compleat English Tradesman. Volume II, 1727 (ESTC T71961)

Defoe, Daniel
The Compleat English Tradesman. Volume II. In Two Parts. Part I. Directed chiefly to the more Experienc'd Tradesmen; with Cautions and Advices to them after they are thriven, and suppos'd to be grown rich, viz. I. Against running out of their Business into needless Projects and dangerous Adventures, no Tradesman being above Disaster. II. Against oppressing one another by Engrossing, Underselling, Combinations in Trade, &c. III. Advices, that when he leaves off his Business, he should part Friends with the World; the great Advantages of it, with a Word of the scandalous Character of a Purse-proud Tradesman. IV. Against being litigious and vexatious and apt to go to Law for Trifles; with some Reasons why Tradesmens Differences should, if possible, be all ended by Arbitration. Part II. Being useful Generals in Trade, describing the Principles and Foundation of the Home Trade of Great Britain; with Large Tables of our Manufactures, Calculations of the Product, Shipping, Carriage of Goods by Land, Importation from abroad, Consumption at home, &c. by all which the infinite Number of our Tradesmen are employ'd, and the General Wealth of the Nation rais'd and increas'd. The Whole Calculated for the Use of all our Inland Tradesmen, as well in the City as in the Country
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard
Publication Date: 
ESTC T71961

This copy at Columbia is part of a set at Columbia University; the first volume (ESTC T71960) is also available.