
Error message

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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publicationsort descending Imprint Statement Year
ESTC N13639 Swift, Jonathan A Tale of a Tub London[?] [s.n.] 1711
ESTC N44638 Fougeret de Monbron, Louis Charles, 1706-1760. Le cosmopolite. Londres [i.e. Paris?] 1753
OCLC 13423046 Juan, Jorge Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional Madrid Por Antonio Marin 1748
OCLC 13423046 Ulloa, Antonio de Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional Madrid Por Antonio Marin 1748
OCLC 11954443 Juan, Jorge Observaciones Astronomicas, y Phisicas hechas de Orden de S. Mag. en Los Reynos del Perù Madrid Por Juan de Zuñiga 1748
OCLC 11954443 Ulloa, Antonio de Observaciones Astronomicas, y Phisicas hechas de Orden de S. Mag. en Los Reynos del Perù Madrid Por Juan de Zuñiga 1748
ESTC W17369 Franklin, Benjamin Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin Second American Edition New York Samuel Campbell, Bookseller, No. 124, Pearl Street, New York 1794
OCLC 3418258 Heal, Ambrose London Tradesmen's Cards of the XVIII Century New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1925
ESTC W27512 Fox, George A Journal, or Historical Account of the Life ... of George Fox The Fourth Edition, Corrected New York Printed by Isaac Collins, No. 189, Pearl-Street 1800
ESTC T195192 The literary register Newcastle printed for the benefit of the subscribers of the Journal, by the compilers of the news-paper, 1769 to 1773
