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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publicationsort descending Imprint Statement Year
ESTC T149703 Johnson, Richard Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus Nottinghamiæ Typis Gulielmi Ayscough, impensis autoris apud Samuelem Keble ad Insigne capitis turcici vico vulgo dicto Fleet Street, veno positus [London] 1717
ESTC T53943 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England Oxford Printed at the Theater 1707
ESTC T127997 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England Oxford Printed at the Theater 1717
ESTC R20685 Langbaine, Gerard An Account of the English Dramatick Poets Oxford Printed by L[eonard]. L[ichfield]., for George West, and Henry Clements 1691
ESTC N19094 Allestree, Richard The Ladies Calling The Ninth Impression Oxford Printed at the Theater 1713
ESTC N19092 Allestree, Richard The Ladies Calling The Twelfth Impression Oxford Printed at the Theater 1727
ESTC N19095 Allestree, Richard The Ladies Calling The Eighth Impression Oxford Printed at the Theater 1705
ESTC T120782 Allestree, Richard The Ladies Calling The Eleventh Impression Oxford Printed at the Theater 1720
ESTC T60038 Arbuthnot, John An Essay on the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning The Second Edition Oxford Printed by L. Lichfield, for S. Wilmot Bookseller in Oxford: And are to be Sold by J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, W. and J. Innys, and J. Morphew, Booksellers in London 1721
ESTC T62574 Arbuthnot, John An Essay on the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning Oxford Printed at the Theater in Oxford for Anth. Peisley Bookseller 1701
