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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publication Imprint Statement Year
ESTC T46576 Burke, Edmund Reflections on the Revolution in France The Third Edition London Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall 1790
ESTC T46578 Burke, Edmund Reflections on the Revolution in France The Fifth Edition London Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall 1790
ESTC T146764 Goldsmith, Oliver The Citizen of the World London Printed for R. Whiston, J. Woodfall, T. Baldwin, R. Johnston, and G. Caddel 1790
ESTC T55288 Smollett, Tobias Miscellaneous Works of Smollett Edinburgh Printed by David Ramsay. For Jo. and Ja. Fairbairn, No 9. Hunter’s Square, and A. Guthrie, No 25. South Bridge, 1790
ESTC N20982 von Archenholz, Johann A Picture of England Dublin P. Byrne, No. 103, Grafton-Street 1790
ESTC T85885 Kilner, Mary Ann The Adventures of a Pincushion London Printed and sold by John Marsaall, No. 17, Queen Street, Cheapside; and No. 4, Aldermary Church Yard, in Bow-Lane 1790
ESTC T90661 Smith, Adam The Theory of Moral Sentiments, vols. 1-2 The sixth edition London Printed for A. Strahan; and A. Cadell in the Strand; and W. Creech, and J. Bell & Co. at Edinburgh 1790
ESTC N660 Burke, Edmund Reflections on the Revolution in France London Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall 1790
ESTC N24280 Blair, Hugh Sermons The Sixth Edition London Printed for A. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand; and W. Creech, Edinburgh 1791
ESTC N29017 Homer The Iliad The Seventh Edition Dublin Printed for J. Halpen, Henry-Street, and A. Colles, Dame-Street 1791
