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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publication Imprint Statement Year
Anon. Onania; Or, the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution The ninth edition London Printed by Eliz. Rumball, for Thomas Crouch, Bookseller, at the Bell in Pater-Noster-Row, near Cheapside 1723
ESTC T99311 Walker, Charles, Capt. Authentick Memoirs of the Life Intrigues and Adventures of the Celebrated Sally Salisbury London 1723
ESTC N14227 Prior, Matthew The Turtle and the Sparrow The Second Edition London Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane 1723
ESTC T103497 Defoe, Daniel A Memorial to the Clergy of the Church of England London Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane 1723
OCLC 633743087 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne Discorso sopra la storia universale Venezia nella stamperia Baglioni 1723
ESTC T72262 Johnson, Captain Charles A General History of the Pyrates The second Edition, with considerable Additions London Printed for, and sold by T. Warner, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row 1724
ESTC T144689 Burnet, Gilbert History of His Own Time London Printed for Thomas Ward in the Inner-Temple Lane 1724
ESTC T143032 Anon. The Ever Green Edinburgh Printed by Mr. Thomas Ruddiman for the Publisher, at his Shop near the Cross 1724
ESTC T73668 Swift, Jonathan A Tale of a Tub The sixth edition: with the author’s apology and explanatory notes. By W. Wttn, B. D. and others. London Printed for S. Tooke and B. Motte, at the Middle Temple Gate, Fleet-street 1724
ESTC N9567 Burnet, Gilbert An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England The Third Edition Corrected Dublin Printed for J. Hyde and E. Dobson, Booksellers 1724
