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Citation Author Short Title Edition Statement Place of Publication Imprint Statement Year
ESTC T118649 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount A Collection of Political Tracts The Second Edition London Printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden 1748
ESTC T39467 Swift, Jonathan Miscellanies, Vol. VIII The Fourth Edition London Printed for C. Davis, against Gray's-Inn Gate, Holborn; and C. Bathurst, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet 1748
ESTC T64309 Blackwell, Thomas Letters concerning mythology London 1748
OCLC 11954443 Ulloa, Antonio de Observaciones Astronomicas, y Phisicas hechas de Orden de S. Mag. en Los Reynos del Perù Madrid Por Juan de Zuñiga 1748
ESTC T127827 Leapor, Mrs. (Mary) Poems upon several occasions. London printed, and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1748
ESTC N25736 Allestree, Richard The Whole Duty of Man London Printed for John Eyres, William and John Mount, and Thomas Page; and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster 1748
ESTC T70852 Defoe, Daniel A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain The Fourth Edition London Printed for S. Birt, T. Osborne, D. Browne, J. Hodges, J. Osborn, A. Millar, and J. Robinson 1748
OCLC 11954443 Juan, Jorge Observaciones Astronomicas, y Phisicas hechas de Orden de S. Mag. en Los Reynos del Perù Madrid Por Juan de Zuñiga 1748
ESTC T91580 Marana, Giovanni Paolo Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy The Twelfth Edition London Printed for G. Strahan, S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, S. Austen, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, C. Corbet, J. Ward, A. Clarke, and A. Wilde 1748
ESTC T4022 Hume, David Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understanding London Printed for A. Millar, opposite Katharine-Street, in the Strand 1748
