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Defoe, Daniel - Memoirs of the Church of Scotland, 1717 (ESTC T69387)

Defoe, Daniel
Memoirs of the Church of Scotland, In Four Periods. I. The Church in her Infant-State, from the Reformation to the Queen Mary's Abdication. II. The Church in its growing State, from the Abdication to the Reformation. III. The Church in its persecuted State, from the Restoration to the Revolution. IV. The Church in its present State, from the Revolution to the Union. With an Appendix, of some Transactions since the Union
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for Eman. Matthews at the Bible, and T. Warner at the Black-Boy, both in Pater-Noster-Row
Publication Date: 
ESTC T69387

Shelfmark above is taken from Oxford's OLIS catalogue. A different shelfmark (XL31.5[Mem]) is visible on the copy scanned here.Considered by Furbank and Owens as probably by Defoe: seeCritical Bibliography, 192(P).Reissued in 1734 as An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland.

Considered by Furbank and Owens as probably by Defoe: seeCritical Bibliography, 192(P).~Reissued in 1734 as An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland.