Error message

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Defoe, Daniel - An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, 1734 (ESTC T202410)

Defoe, Daniel
An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. Containing The State of the Church of that Nation, from the Time of Queen Mary to the Union of the Two Kingdoms, being the Space of 154 Years
Place of Publication: 
Imprint Statement: 
Printed for Charles Marsh, at the Bible in Angel-Court, near Story's Passage, Westminster
Publication Date: 
ESTC T202410

A reissue of Memoirs of the Church of Scotland (1717), considered by Furbank and Owens as probably by Defoe: see Critical Bibliography, 192(P).

A reissue of Memoirs of the Church of Scotland (1717).~Considered by Furbank and Owens as probably by Defoe: see Critical Bibliography, 192(P).